Psalm 3

When I was a kid we were taught the prayer:
 Now I lay me down to sleep I pray the Lord my soul to keep and if I die before I wake I pray the Lord my soul to take. Amen
I can teach my kids this prayer... As a new mom the idea of saying if you die before you wake seems horrible. Maybe it's the hormones of bringing a life into a world but I could not under these words without tears. So rather than teaching my kids the square as I was taught I chose instead to see someone that my grandfather used to say. 
Oh Lord with all my needs and wants supplied my thirst and hunger satisfied we pray except our thanks and praise for loving care sustaining grace we thank thee for the living word The gospel message daily heard and pray that we may live with the from now through all eternity. Amen. 
I don't think it matters what you pray only that you pray.  God wants hear from us but we need to talk to him. To share our hopes and dreams, our hurts and our fears.  
